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Thema: Traditionen/Trait und was weiss ich... Ich versteh´s net...

  1. Standard Traditionen/Trait und was weiss ich... Ich versteh´s net...


    ich dachte eigentlich, dass sich meine Fragen klären würden nach Release des Patches. Aber jetzt versteh ich garnichts mehr...

    Also was gibt es jetzt genau?
    Habe einen lvl 13 Crusader und konnte eben 2x skillen.
    1. Ich durfte ich auswählen ob ich STR/INT/AUSDAUER dazu haben möchte.
    2. Konnte ich einen Buff auswählen der mich stärker macht gegen bestimmte Mobs

    - Was ist jetzt was? Hatten diese Skillungen was mit der Rasse oder Klasse zutun? Und war es jetzt Trait oder Tradition?

    Ich dachte man bekommt auch Klassenspezifische Auswahlmöglichkeite - wie z. Bsp. ein Reittier als Crusader wann bekommt man diese?

    Hier nochmals ein überblick aus den Patchlog:
    Level 8 - Trait

    Level 14 - Trait

    Level 18 - Tradition

    Level 22 - Trait

    - Ich versteh garnichts mehr und würde mich freuen, wenn mich jemand von euch aufklärt...

  2. Standard

    Ich stell nochmal eine Frage zusätzlich:

    Was wenn ich als Waldelf in Q. starte und möchte Ranger werden.
    Wann kann ich frühstens die Seite wechseln, um trozdem noch Ranger werden zu können?
    Wird es ab lvl 20 sein, oder kann ich mit lvl 10 schon rüber und werde automatisch 10 lvl später Ranger anstatt Assasin?

  3. Standard

    Wann kann ich frühstens die Seite wechseln
    Ein ehemaliges Gildenmitglied konnte das Quest schon mit Level 12 annehmen. Man kann das Quest allerdings nur vor Level 19 bekommen, da man ab dem Level das Quest für die 2.Unterklasse bekommt.

    Wird es ab lvl 20 sein, oder kann ich mit lvl 10 schon rüber und werde automatisch 10 lvl später Ranger anstatt Assasin?
    Ranger ist eine Qeynos-only Klasse. Wenn du nach Freihafen wechselst kannst du nur noch Assassine werden.

  4. #4

    Standard Re: Traditionen/Trait und was weiss ich... Ich versteh´s net

    Zitat Zitat von Sopithia

    ich dachte eigentlich, dass sich meine Fragen klären würden nach Release des Patches. Aber jetzt versteh ich garnichts mehr...

    Also was gibt es jetzt genau?
    Habe einen lvl 13 Crusader und konnte eben 2x skillen.
    1. Ich durfte ich auswählen ob ich STR/INT/AUSDAUER dazu haben möchte.
    2. Konnte ich einen Buff auswählen der mich stärker macht gegen bestimmte Mobs

    - Was ist jetzt was? Hatten diese Skillungen was mit der Rasse oder Klasse zutun? Und war es jetzt Trait oder Tradition?

    Ich dachte man bekommt auch Klassenspezifische Auswahlmöglichkeite - wie z. Bsp. ein Reittier als Crusader wann bekommt man diese?

    Hier nochmals ein überblick aus den Patchlog:
    Level 8 - Trait

    Level 14 - Trait

    Level 18 - Tradition

    Level 22 - Trait

    - Ich versteh garnichts mehr und würde mich freuen, wenn mich jemand von euch aufklärt...
    du hast dir deine frage eigentlich schon selbst beantwortet, trait lev 8 und das andere race mastery

  5. Standard

    vielleicht hab ich das mal verschwitzt aber was ist denn der Unterschied zwischen einer Tradiion und nen Trait?

  6. Standard Re: Traditionen/Trait und was weiss ich... Ich versteh´s net

    Zitat Zitat von Tau
    du hast dir deine frage eigentlich schon selbst beantwortet, trait lev 8 und das andere race mastery
    Aha! Also Mastery bedeutet lvl 50 werden und dann bekomm ich die Sachen?!?

  7. Standard

    Habe alles rausbekommen, was ich wissen muss. Hier nochmal zusammen gefasst was es so neues gibt.


    Traits are one of the advancement paths that help you to build a unique identity in EverQuest II. Every few levels you get to choose a new trait that improves an important aspect of your character. Any character can choose any trait, regardless of their race or class.

    When it's time to choose a new trait, you will be presented with a list of four or five options with detailed explanations of how each choice would affect your character. You can pick any one trait from the list and enjoy its benefits immediately. The effect of each trait is permanent and does not need to be activated.

    By level 50, every character will have chosen eight traits that help tailor their character to their preferred style of play. Below we list the first three trait choices and show at what level you receive them:

    Level 8

    Brawny - Strike down your enemies in battle! This trait makes you more physically imposing by bestowing enhanced strength.
    Nimble - An orc can't hurt you if it can't hit you! This trait heightens your reflexes by making you more agile.
    Durable - Your toughness is apparent to everyone. This trait improves your fortitude by granting increased stamina.
    Insightful - You have traveled far and wide. This trait aids your journey to enlightenment by making you wiser.
    Clever - Years of study have honed your mind. This trait enhances your knowledge by making you more intelligent.
    Level 14

    Hardy - Learn to avoid the scorpion's sting and the assassin's blade. This trait improves your longevity by making you more resistant to all types of poisons.
    Cold Blooded - Fire and lava are nothing to fear! This trait allows you to better control your body temperature by increasing your resistance to heat.
    Warm Blooded - Withstand even the harshest winter. This trait increases your inner fire and allows you to better avoid the effects of intense cold.
    Hygienic - Plague and illness are for the weak. This trait enhances your vigor by allowing you to avoid the effects of disease.
    Intent - Your mind is an impenetrable fortress! This trait focuses your will, thereby allowing you to better resist mental attacks.
    Level 22

    Sturdy - Your durability is the stuff of legend. This trait makes you more robust by increasing your total health.
    Focused - Your foes tremble at your considerable might! This trait expands your available energy by increasing your total power.
    Healthy - Others marvel at your recuperative ability. You improve the rate at which your health recovers.
    Calm - You possess the discipline of a master. This trait focuses your mind and allows you to recover power more quickly.
    Higher-level trait choices offer additional opportunities to personalize your character. Traits focus on enhancing your options at the character level, while other advancement paths will allow you to personalize your race and class.
    Racial Traditions

    Traditions are one of the advancement paths that help you to build a unique identity in EverQuest II. As players learn the background and lore of their chosen race, they begin to unlock certain bonuses. This starts with race-specific titles and leads to a choice of racial abilities. By the time they’ve reached level 50, every character will gain access to four racial traditions to help tailor their character to their preferred play style and distinguish themselves from other members of their race.

    Racial traditions take many forms, but are generally activated abilities that can be used on demand to greatly improve your character for a short period of time.

    When it's time to choose a new tradition, you will be presented with a list of ten options with detailed explanations of how each choice would affect your character. You can pick any one tradition from the list and enjoy its benefits immediately.

    Here are some of the racial traditions -


    Teachings of Tundra Jack – Life in the harsh outdoors has increased your powers of observation. By following the Teachings of Tundra Jack, your character enjoys enhanced tracking of prey.

    Confusing Babble – Gnomes aren’t the most durable denizens of Norrath, so it’s often useful to talk their way out of a bad situation. With a timely burst of perplexing chatter, you’re able to soothe angry creatures and lower their hatred toward you as they stop to figure out what you’re yapping about.
    Dark Elf

    Shadow Shroud – The world is a dangerous place and life as a dark elf is never easy. By slowing your breathing and freezing in place, you are able to hide and escape detection by most foes.

    Ward of Glyphs – Years of arcane study have imbued the erudites with an innate defense against magical damage. By steeling your mind, you can call a protective ward into existence and guard yourself against harmful spells.

    Vital Provisions – Living in a world of magic has its advantages. Over the centuries as other races focused on developing talents in lesser areas, the dwarves learned an ability that truly matters – summoning Ale.
    Half Elf

    Dual Breed – The mixed heritage of the half elves gives them some benefits from both their parent races. During a battle, you may concentrate and increase both your stamina and magical power for a period of time.

    Light on the Feet – As if having naturally good looks and great personality wasn’t enough, halflings also possess other talents. A lifetime of dancing and clean living has made some halflings especially nimble, allowing them to easily dodge an adversary’s blows for a short time.

    Tactics: Enemy Mastery

    The EverQuest II Tactics Advancement Path lets you pick certain types of enemies for which your character feels a particular dislike. By learning about these opponents, you gain special abilities that allow you and your party to do extra damage against them in battle.

    The type of ability you get will vary based on your character's archetype:

    Priests gain the ability to weaken their opponent's attacks
    Scouts learn how to make their enemy more vulnerable
    Mages earn a powerful nuke that is hard for this type of creature to resist
    Fighters gain a self buff that allows them to do increased damage against this creature type

    These abilities grow with your character, so they will always provide an advantage against your chosen opponents. Having multiple group members with the same type of mastery skill will make your enemies tremble at your feet!

    Here are the first three selections your character will receive:
    Level 12 - gnolls, orcs
    Level 16 - ghosts, skeletons, zombies
    Level 24 - centaurs, giants, treants
    Traditions are one of the advancement paths that help you to build a unique identity in EverQuest II. As players learn the background and lore of their chosen race, they begin to unlock certain bonuses. This starts with race-specific titles and leads to a choice of racial abilities. By the time they’ve reached level 50, every character will gain access to four racial traditions to help tailor their character to their preferred play style and distinguish themselves from other members of their race.

    Racial traditions take many forms, but are generally activated abilities that can be used on demand to greatly improve your character for a short period of time.

    When it's time to choose a new tradition, you will be presented with a list of ten options with detailed explanations of how each choice would affect your character. You can pick any one tradition from the list and enjoy its benefits immediately.

    Here are some of the racial traditions -


    Teachings of Tundra Jack – Life in the harsh outdoors has increased your powers of observation. By following the Teachings of Tundra Jack, your character enjoys enhanced tracking of prey.

    Confusing Babble – Gnomes aren’t the most durable denizens of Norrath, so it’s often useful to talk their way out of a bad situation. With a timely burst of perplexing chatter, you’re able to soothe angry creatures and lower their hatred toward you as they stop to figure out what you’re yapping about.
    Dark Elf

    Shadow Shroud – The world is a dangerous place and life as a dark elf is never easy. By slowing your breathing and freezing in place, you are able to hide and escape detection by most foes.

    Ward of Glyphs – Years of arcane study have imbued the erudites with an innate defense against magical damage. By steeling your mind, you can call a protective ward into existence and guard yourself against harmful spells.

    Vital Provisions – Living in a world of magic has its advantages. Over the centuries as other races focused on developing talents in lesser areas, the dwarves learned an ability that truly matters – summoning Ale.
    Half Elf

    Dual Breed – The mixed heritage of the half elves gives them some benefits from both their parent races. During a battle, you may concentrate and increase both your stamina and magical power for a period of time.

    Light on the Feet – As if having naturally good looks and great personality wasn’t enough, halflings also possess other talents. A lifetime of dancing and clean living has made some halflings especially nimble, allowing them to easily dodge an adversary’s blows for a short time.

  8. Standard e

    Zitat Zitat von Sopithia
    Ich stell nochmal eine Frage zusätzlich:

    Was wenn ich als Waldelf in Q. starte und möchte Ranger werden.
    Wann kann ich frühstens die Seite wechseln, um trozdem noch Ranger werden zu können?
    Wird es ab lvl 20 sein, oder kann ich mit lvl 10 schon rüber und werde automatisch 10 lvl später Ranger anstatt Assasin?

    Wenn du als Waldelf startest in Qeynos (geht als Waldelf auch nur Qeynos) und willst Ranger werden, dann mußt bzw. kann zu die Seiten nicht wechseln, da Ranger Qeynos only ist.
    Hos omnes amicos habere operosum est, satis est inimicos non habere

  9. #9


    @ Sopithia
    ich versteh´s immer noch nicht, da es auf englisch ist.

  10. Standard

    Zitat Zitat von hodrolol
    @ Sopithia
    ich versteh´s immer noch nicht, da es auf englisch ist.
    Ok dann fass ich das ganz kur auf deutsch zusammen.

    Bekommt jeder beim erreichen einen bestimmten lvl´s. Man kann dann ein wenig skillen um so zum Beispiel mehr STR oder INT zu bekommen.

    Racial Traditions
    Bekommt jede Rasse im Laufe der LvL. Dort kann jede Klasse sich 4 "Specials" aus 10 aussuchen die einzigartig bei jeder Rasse sind.

    Tactics: Enemy Mastery
    Bekommt man auch alle paar lvl. Hier kann man verschiedene Kreaturen "mastern". Man kann Buffs wählen die man auf sich zaubern kann um zum Beispiel mehr Schaden bei einem Skelett zu machen.
    - Nicht zu verwechseln mit den Mastery of Creature Quest´s!

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