Also was ich da sol es gefällt mir sehr gut (Fog of War - maps (I LOVE IT!!!), Handwerkerquests, neue Spells, Schwierigkeitsanpassung der Mobs, quests löschen usw. ). klingt leckaAber Wermutstropfen sind auch drin, die Schiffe wurden entfernt und ein Questlimit von 50 Quests :(
Hier mal die Patchnotes und ich bin gespannt wann der bei uns live geht
*** Headlines ***
- New spells and combat arts for all adventuring classes and subclasses!
- Individualize your character with Traits and Traditions!
- New options for player housing, including addresses!
- Specialized tradeskill workshops added!
- The cities love their artisans! Citizenship granted to crafters at level 6!
- You can now delete quests from your journal and see the quests of your group mates!
- "Fog of war" map system on its way!
*** Character Differentiation ***
- Final class spells and combat arts are available. Many of the old spells and arts have been removed and replaced with new versions.
- Entertainment spells/arts are now available on scribes and trainers.
- Traits and Traditions choices can be made at the following levels:
Level 8 - Trait
Level 14 - Trait
Level 18 - Tradition
Level 22 - Trait
Level 26 - Tradition
Level 28 - Trait
Level 34 - Tradition
Level 36 - Trait
Level 42 - Trait
Level 44 - Tradition
Level 46 - Trait
Level 48 - Trait
- Additional Advancement Paths will be implemented in upcoming updates.
Social Structures
- Treasure has been attached to the level 5, 10, and 15 guild raids.
- The quest log has been improved for the level 5, 10, and 15 guild raids.
- A level 25 guild raid is now available.
- City tasks now award faction when completed.
- Additional tradeskill entrances have been added to the city of Freeport and Qeynos. Each village has four entrances and a district to represent each Tradeskill Social Structure.
Player Housing
- Reduced the number of houses in Qeynos city zones.
- Housing prices now vary based on the location and size of housing.
- The number of sellers that can sell from a particular home is limited by the quality and size of that home.
- Certain homes can now be paid for with guild status and require you to be in a guild of a particular level to access and buy.
- Each home now has a unique address and waypoint to lead you to a person's home.
- The amount of furniture that can be placed in a home is limited by the size and quality of the home.
- Housing zones have street signs so that adventurers can easily locate other adventurers and vendors in the city.
- Players should now be able to access their homes in Stonestair Byway.
Changes & Additions
- Gurk Strongarm no longer has treasure on him.
- Bouncer Prod should no longer break his encounter when engaged.
- Menders within the cities had their buy/sell options removed. They only repair items now.
- Mariner's bells have been updated in Thundering Steppes, Nektulos Forest, and Orcish Wastes.
- Boulden Smitestone should now be wearing Qeynos armor.
- Additional exploration points have been added throughout the world.
- The Isle of Refuge has been renamed to "The Isle of Refuge: Freeport" and "The Isle of Refuge: Qeynos", depending on which alignment you choose.
- Added new food and drink to vendors. Higher-level characters will need to buy the more expensive food to get adequate regeneration.
- The cities of Freeport and Qeynos now place a higher importance on the craftsmanship of their skilled laborers. Artisans who are not already citizens will automatically be granted citizenship when they've obtained artisan level 6.
*** Quests ***
Heritage Quests
- Ghoulbane: Toranim Skyblade's dialogue has been modified.
- Stein of Moggok: The quest should advance properly upon completion of the tradeskill portion.
- Status points are now awarded upon completion of heritage quests.
Quest Updates
- The following quests should now be working correctly:
A Tour of Antonica
A Lonely Tree
Bird Watching - The Double-Headed Thrush
Bird Watching - The Horned Woodpecker
Crazy is as Crazy Does
Crimson Paw Cloak
Destroyer's Folly
Dragoon Zytl - Black Rank
Dragoon Zytl - Blood Rank
Dragoon Zytl - Green Rank
Enchanted Creature Culling
Enchanted Serpent
Fallen Explorers
Far Seas Requisition #ANT0244
Far Seas Requisition #ANT0424
History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. II
History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. III
Hunting the Bloodsabers
Journal of Elkare
JumJum for the Soul
Message for Anessa
Offering of the Faithful
Pretty Ponies, All in a Row
Report to Blight Sage Destroz
Report to Disciple Telas'velle
Report to Marauder Kindolus
Report to Shepherd Sell'ar
Restoring Ghoulbane
Rise to the Challenge
Runed Acorn
Rusty Key
Starwisp Sword
Targok - Part I
Tempt Fate
The Crossing of the Fanged Sea
The Pawn
The Storm Shepherds - The Calm
The Storm Shepherds - The Downpour
Tinmizer's Astounding Frost Disruptor
ZaZa's Little Problem
- Journal entries for the following quests have been modified slightly:
Evil Eye Rampage
Far Seas Requisition - # FG 016
Far Seas Requisition - # FG 073
Far Seas Requisition - # FG 212
Far Seas Requisition - # FG 244
Far Seas Requisition - # WC 002
Far Seas Requisition - # WC 045
Far Seas Requisition - # WC 077
Far Seas Requisition - # WC 124
Far Seas Requisition - # WC 154
Ruins of Varsoon: Tomes of Life and Death
The Amygamalion - The Four That Are We
- Items that give quests will now be consumed when the quest is granted.
- Some quests have been re-categorized.
- Updates have been made to the class and subclass quests.
- Killing the Coldwind octopi in Antonica now updates Fawn's Garden appropriately.
- A kill counter has been added to the "Cooking with Elves" and "Far Seas Requisition - # 124" quests.
- A reward has been added to the "Architectural Underground, Part II", "Late for Supplies", and "Stinking Badgers" quest.
- Additional text has been added to the "Path of the Shaman", "Protect the LMS Intruder!", and "Protect the QSS Bootstrutter!" quest.
- An item needed from Pelleas' room has been modified to make it more noticeable.
- Completing "Scrawlings in the Dark" will now remove Scrawlings of Chriannis from the quest journal.
- Examining a Double-Plated Breastplate, a Meteor Chunk, a Shriveled Garlic Cove, an Arcane Rod, a snapped ring, a Metal Bandolier, or a Fading Shirt will now initiate a quest.
- Extraneous data has been removed from the "Roll of the Dice" quest.
- Hailing Aesthetic Winchester should now return a quest if all requirements are met.
- Ironcast will now give players the "Earth and Water" quest if all requirements are met.
- Inspecting an Owlbear Feather should no longer update the "Owlbear Menace" quest.
- The quest completion text for the "Runnyeye - Banker's Favor" quest has been modified.
- The starting quest item in "A Burglar Alert" should be destroyed upon completion of each of the quests in this series.
- The tome quests for the Age of Monuments, Turmoil, Cataclysms, and Destiny now give a reward when completed.
- The "How Did Their Garden Grow?" quest now progresses correctly when a player finds the atrium.
*** Zones ***
Dynamic Adventure Camps
- Some modifications have been made to the Sabertooth gnoll adventure camps in Antonica.
- Respawn times have been slowed down for all the dynamic adventure camps. This makes them more manageable.
- New dynamic adventure camps have been added to the following zones:
Enchanted Lands
The Feerrott
Orcish Wastes
Thundering Steppes
-Ecology behaviors have been updated in the following zones:
Willow Wood
Big Bend
Stonestair Byway
Temple Street
Beggar's Court
Longshadow Alley
Scale Yard
Elddar Grove
-Fishing spots have been added to the following zones:
Enchanted Lands
The Feerrott
Nektulos Forest
Obelisk of Vul
Orcish Wastes
Thundering Steppes
Zone Modifications
- The spawn times for all solo wanderers have been increased.
- Young timber wolves have been added.
- Zombies should no longer be wearing clothes.
- Mender Durry Buntan has been added to the zone. This provides betrayers a place to repair items.
- A floating tent was fixed.
- A dialog response has been modified in Oracle Ulinara's conversation.
- Some solo content has been changed to group content.
- Centipedes and snakes are now aggressive to players.
- Respawn times for NPCs have been modified.
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- Treasure has been added to all bosses.
- Mender Gubta has been added to the zone. This provides betrayers a place to repair items.
- A floating tent was fixed.
- Bloodskull lumberjacks should no longer appear naked.
- Fisherman Safiya should now have a fishing pole.
- The Orc Runner should now be aggro.
- Additional Bloodskull orcs and wisps have taken up residence within the zone.
- Commander Grik'Sna and his platoon should now be functioning correctly.
Cove of Decay: A Treaty for Treasure
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- Treasure has been added to all bosses.
Edgewater Drains
- Attacking skeletons should no longer cause encounters to break.
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- Bosses should now drop loot.
Enchanted Lands
- Additional Seamist sylphs are now available.
- Lamia Thrasher no longer spawns in the air.
Fallen Gate
- Ghosts are longer naked.
The Far Journey
- Players no longer stay in combat mode after killing rats or the goblin.
The Feerrott
- The zone out from the Obelisk of Vul is in a safer location.
- A floating tent was fixed.
- Anrev Kaelyna no longer floats.
- Cythan now looks more like a ghost.
The Graveyard
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- Treasure has been added to all bosses.
- A floating tent was fixed.
Maid for the Mist
- Captain Corrigan now allows characters level 36+ entry to the zone.
Maulic's Stronghold
- Missing kill on sight (KOS) faction has been added.
- Increased the level range.
Nektulos Forest
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- An event with Captain T'Sanne has been added.
- A tent at location -1661, 20, -1102 is no longer floating.
- The patchwork men should no longer be stacked atop one another.
- Gurndundl is no longer a small giant.
North Freeport
- Players can now hail Paragon Jalex.
North Qeynos
- A new dialog response has been added to Merchant Tara Ironforge.
Oakmyst Forest
- Karach the Spider Queen no longer gets stuck after wandering the zone.
Obelisk of Vul
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- Treasure has been added to all bosses.
Orcish Wastes
- The "unnamed" NPC is now called a "Ritual Pire".
- Deathfist Protectors are now aggro.
- Royal Accountant Folwer now responds to hails.
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- Treasure has been added to all bosses.
- The Dusk Maiden is no longer a pink box.
- Shakey is no longer a pink box.
- Fredwen Goldsyrup can be hailed when right-clicked.
- Merchant Timbertop is no longer a merchant.
The Ruins
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
Ruins of Varsoon
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- Some solo content has been changed to group content.
- Some solo content has been changed to group content.
- Additional group content has been added to various areas.
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
Serpent Sewer
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- Missing kill on sight (KOS) faction has been added.
Thieves' Way
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
Thundering Steppes
- Factions have been added to the centaurs.
- Mora Oshus now walks a different path.
- "[placeholder] Cemetery" is known as Coldwind Shores Cemetery.
- Steelhoof Hunters and Steelhoof Pariahs no longer look like unicorns.
- Walon March now responds to hails.
Tomb of Valor
- Missing kill on sight (KOS) faction has been added.
Tower of the Drafling
- NPCs have been re-leveled.
- Additional treasure has been added.
Training Grounds
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
Trembling Lagoon
- The timing of the event has been adjusted.
- Breaking into the zone should be much easier now.
Wailing Caves
- Some solo content has been changed to group content.
- Factions have been added to certain NPCs.
- Treasure has been added to all bosses
- Respawn time for NPCs was slightly modified.
*** Mechanics ***
- Tinting has been applied to weapons and shields.
- Black Iron Chain Vambraces now use the correct icon.
- Leather Strapped Symbol now uses the correct icon.
- Earring of the Shattering can now be equipped.
- Reptile Meat is now stackable.
- Skullcrusher now appears as a hammer.
- Values for all crafting components have been adjusted.
- Added three more tradeskill instances to each Qeynos Village and Freeport District.
- Added new tradeskill reaction arts and special events.
- Tuned shield blocking rate so that you block more often.
- Adjusted group encounters in the following ways:
- Reduced damage of NPC abilities like Crushing Blow and Assault.
- Made minor adjustments to damage and hit points.
- Reduced the power of NPC heals.
- Removed negative resists from Trolls, Ogres, and Iksar.
- The speed of all mounts has been reduced in order to avoid the ability to bypass certain content.
- Spikes are no longer available from standard weapon merchant lists.
- A basic torch has been added to merchant lists.
- Traveling boats have been removed from Antonica, Commonlands, Nektulos Forest, and Thundering Steppes.
*** Stability and Performance ***
- Optimizations to improve server performance.
- Server stability fixes.
- Client rendering performance has increased.
- Fixed a crash bug related to the /disband command.
*** Audio ***
- Reverb point is no longer tied to the camera.
- There are now 'watery' footstep sound effects for the Isle of Refuge.
- Use Avatar as Listener option has been fixed.
- Large objects like walls should now obstruct environmental sounds.
*** Characters, Appearances, and Rendering ***
- Added fix to reduce post-combat 'twitching'.
- Armor pieces with spell particles now move when they should.
- Fixed visual bug with the water in Permafrost.
- Tails should no longer wag or heads track while feigning death.
- NPCs should no longer head track while dead.
*** Gameplay ***
- You may now delete unwanted quests as long as they're not related to your character's progression!
- The maximum number of active quests a character can have simultaneously is 50.
- You can now view your group members' quest by using the Group tab in the Quest Journal.
- Skills are once again learned through use where appropriate.
- Fixed bug causing the 'Zone Full' message while exiting Mizan's Cellar
- Setting an item's price in your store now automatically places it for sale.
- The maximum amount of in-house merchant items is determined by the size of your house.
- Changing a friend's housing access level will send them a message if they are online.
- Players riding griffins are no longer targetable.
- Changes have been made to how maintained spells work:
- Group beneficial spells will be maintained as long as group members are within proximity of the caster.
- Group beneficial spells will be reapplied to fallen groupmates if they are within proximity of the caster when rez'ed.
- Single target maintained spells are now subject to the proximity rule. However, the spell will be dropped if the caster leaves the group.
- When in a group event or pocket zone (not standard instanced zones) the proximity radius is ignored.
- Hostile maintained spells still work as before, but the effect will be dropped if the caster leaves the zone.
*** Controls, Commands, and UI ***
- Main UI: Attempting to destroy silver pieces will now do that instead of destroying copper.
- Main UI: Fixed bug causing item quest text to get narrow.
- Maps: Maps now feature a Discovery system (Fog of War) that will reflect the areas of zone you have explored. At the moment this has only been enabled for the Isle of Refuge. If you have already explored this zone (and you are still there) the map will appear fogged when you log in after this update.
- Options: Audio Performance option now allows you to set max number of audible sounds.
- Quest Journal: The Journal will now display if you have too many active quests. If you currently have more Quests than the Journal can carry, you will have to complete or delete some before being able to obtain more.
- Persona: To prevent accidental editing of your bio, you now have to select 'Edit' to do so.
- Waypoints: There is now a Houses category in the waypoint menu to lead you to where the house access points are.
- Pressing back while in auto-run now turns it off.
- Double-clicking on a scroll now auto scribes it.
*** Known Issues ***
- Still working on improving server performance.
- Remaining zone maps will soon be converted to the discovery system. Also, additional maps will be included for the non-city zones.
*** Art ***
- Fixed centaur female LODs
- Fixed centaur female animation issues
- Fixed elephant LODs
- Added tint color support for LODs on player armor
- Created additional combat art variants
- Created additional spell effect variants
- Added spell projectiles that fire two and three at a time
- Fixed shaders on all spells displaying ghost animals
- Optimized more spell effects
Fixed collision/stuck issues in the following zones:
- Blackburrow
- The Peat Bog
- Nektulos Forest
- The Willow Wood
- Oakmyst Forest
- East Freeport
- Obelisk of Vul
- Nektropos Castle
- Freeport Graveyard
- Enchanted Lands
- Qeynos Harbor
- Qeynos South
- Qeynos Elddar
- Ruins of Varsoon
- The Bloodskull Valley
- Thundering Steppes
- The Ruins
Fixed cosmetic issues in the following zones:
- East Freeport
- West Freeport
- The Forest Ruins
- Obelisk of Vul
- Elddar Grove
- The Feerrott
- Nektropos Castle
*** Audio ***
- Fixed text to the match the voiceover of various NPCs
- Replaced some of the PC voiceover (mostly jump sounds)
EQII Community Guy