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Thema: Statistiken?!

  1. Standard Statistiken?!

    Mich würde es interessieren ob es sowas wie Kampfstatistiken gibt, zb.
    Soviele Gegner getötet, wieviel schläge getroffen haben (oder nicht)

    oder auch wie oft man gestorben ist und Spielzeit, .... USW...

    Ist da sowas eingeplant oder gibt es das sogar schon in da beta?

    bye Jimmy

  2. Standard

    die spielueit erhälst du mit dem befehl /played

    andere kenne ich leider net.
    Molgam Network alles Rund um MMORPGs.
    Webdim Media, Webdesign, CMS und mehr!
    truefun.de, Wahrer Spaß - Bilder, Babes, Videos, Games, Witze und anderes!
    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

  3. #3


    also geplant ist sowas, aber das lässt sich SOE bezahlen so wie ich das gelesen hab. 3 $ / Monat soll das für webmaster kosten wenn sie die daten auf die page machen wollen. Aber ich hab das nicht mehr in Erinnerung ob das so war, aber es ist auf jeden Fall irgendwas in der Richtung geplant

  4. Standard

    Wieviele Mobs Du gekillt hast kannst Du an den Steckbriefen ablesen, einer hängt z.B. in N-Q zwischen Tor und Claymore.

  5. #5


    ah habs grad zufällig gefunden als ich im US beta Board gewühlt hab

    VanguardEQ2: SOE Unveils Huge New Options for Players
    by Zeus on 10/15/2004
    A huge bomb was dropped by Sony Online Entertainment as Gamergod met them in San Francisco to discuss the big announcement.
    I sat down and spoke with Greg Short of SOE (you may remember him from Casters Realm), and he unloaded the big surprise.
    Well it's a doozy! Sony will be offering a brand new set of features to EQ2 players. Web Services will include many features that players have had to go out and seek elsewhere & until now.
    Every guild will receive a free website. Wait, I'm serious! And that is not even half of it.
    Each Guild site will include for free:
    A roster that updates automatically from the game itself including; guild ranking, character name, class, etc. It will be everything a guild could want in a roster.
    Each guild will receive a customized domain name; something like Yourguild.EQ2guilds.com.
    You will not have to be an artist to spruce up your site ... wait, spruce it up? Yes! It will allow customization and layout options of your choice! You can choose the layout what you want to go where, a number of art features and if you are not good at art yourself, no problem. There is also an art tool built-in with many features, allowing you to make your site perfect for your guild.
    Guild leaders have no fear. They thought of you too!
    You can give powers to your officers or members, decide who can edit and see what and even assign jobs to teams if you wish. Want one person to update news? Go ahead, assign it. Want one person to moderate? NO problem. It's all part of this new free system.
    Players weren't forgotten either. Have your own character generated onto a paper-doll page with your name and information. Even load up an image of you in game doing whatever you wish.
    There is a premium service offered as well. Actually, there are up to 4 of them.
    Each costing only 99 cents more a month or 2.99 a month for all 4.
    1. Enhanced Items Data Search - Want to know what is in game, what items are available? Look no further. EQ2 will list them all for Free, but for 99cents more you can even know all their stats and skill qualifiers!
    2. Advanced Player Info - Want to display your full inventory, stats, and even your bank inventory? For 99 cents you can. This can easily be added to the free paper-doll page of yourself and allow you to list it on your guild site or personal page, keeping it up-to-date automatically.
    3. Advanced Image Storage - Want to take 50 screenshots of yourself, record all your statistics, how often you died, where you leveled, how fast you leveled, what rank you were compared to others in leveling speed, and even the ratio of your damage per deaths? It is all there and more. EQ2 will keep a running list of who is doing the best at everything and show a top 10 of it. To see where exactly you are is only 99 cents more a month. It will also list alts, and other character statistics like how much money you've earned and so on.
    But, don't worry. You will be allowed to decide if you want to show the world, your guild, or keep it private.
    4. Advanced Guild Info - Want a wall of fame? Ranking of your guild members? How about see who is doing the best at everything, or even who dies the most? How about in-game guild voice-chat while you are offline via a chat tool accessible by any computer?
    Just to make sure I list all statistics featured here they are in order:
    - Most Kills
    - Most Deaths
    - Most Kills Per Death
    - NPC That Has Made the Most Kills
    - Most Quests Completed
    - Highest Guild Status
    - Highest Social Status
    - Wealthiest Players
    Al of this will be listed!
    Or, how about looking at a graph of how many are online, what classes and what ratio of class types are online at any time?
    All this can be done with 99 cents a month.
    EQ2 has literally provided it all for their players and taken it even out of game to ensure that EQ2 players have everything they wish for, to enhance being part of this new level of MMORPG experience.
    It's a new generation of MMORPGs and EQ2 comes out swinging with new standards for player service!


    Today we invite all EverQuest II Beta players to visit the new Station Players site for EverQuest II. This site features advanced character profiles, item discovery, player and guild rankings, image uploads, guild chat from outside the game, your own guild web site, and much more. At launch, many of these features will be free, however SOE will charge for some of the extended features, and we anticipate this service will be a key part of what will make EverQuest II such a special game. It is designed to be very inexpensive to pick up the features you like. In the next few days we will announce this service and describe pricing. Sony Online Entertainment is committed to providing top-notch community tools, in and out of game. We look forward to hearing your comments on this new service.

    You can visit the site at http://eq2players-beta.station.sony....ayers_index.vm . You will be asked to log in with the same account you use for the EverQuest II beta to be able to access the site. You must be a part of the EverQuest II beta to log in.

    This is part of beta testing EverQuest II. If you find bugs with this service, please go to the SUPPORT link at the top of the page and mail us the details. You can use the same email address you find there to send feedback to the Station Players design team as well.

    Thanks for helping us beta test this new system!

    Producer, EverQuest II
    Sony Online Entertainment

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