Smedley hat im offiziellen Forum wichtige Infos gepostet.
1. Die Einloggprobleme sollen die nächsten Tage komplett verschwunden sein
2. Die Lags sollen die nächsten Tage verschwunden sein
3. offizielles Release-Datum wird morgen bekanntgegeben, und der wird sehr bald sein. (Anmerkung meinerseits: So wie sich der englische Text liest wird das sicher in der ersten Hälfte im November sein)
Aber lest besser das Originalpost, da stehn noch massig detailliertere Infos drin
First and foremost, thanks for helping us test EQ2. We're getting great feedback and you're helping us find and fix problems at a very rapid rate.
I wanted to address a couple of concerns:
1) Login - these issues should be completely gone in the next few days. Sorry for the problems, but simply put there were problems that needed addressing.. and addressing them caused some bugs.. those will be gone quickly.
2) Lag - it's really 2 zones atm.. it's Antonica and Commonlands. The team has made great strides in this area..and they have some big stuff coming in within the next few days that we hope is really going to get things back to normal. It's gotten a lot better, but we see it too (we're all playing EQ 2 all the time). This will go away before we launch. Please also understand that we have very deliberately been running the servers at what we consider to be the maximum capacity. In the next day or so we'll add another server or two to the list that players can go to. This should help a lot since as we let in a lot of new people we won't be seeing them all go in to the existing ones. Our strategy here is a simple one - to keep the servers stressed out to make sure we address server performance issues. At launch we will have a significant number of servers, so in and of itself this should help a great deal.. but we're not relying on that. We're going to make sure the performance is good.
3) Launch - The offical announcement comes out tomorrow. While I understand that some of you may feel the game is coming out too early.. we feel very strongly that we can address the remaining issues and have a very smooth and successful launch. We have a lot of things that we're testing internally before we open them up to you all... and that does include a ton of bug fixes that are underway. The team is closing bugs out at a lightning fast rate. From the outside, when you see login issues it looks like we've taken a step backward.. and I can understand how it appears that way. But the people on this team are stone cold pros who have done this for a long time and are dedicated to making sure EQ2 is an enjoyable experience.
John Smedley
President, Sony Online Entertainment