Bezügl. Probleme mit den offiziellen Betaforen gibts hier im Technikforum schon etliche Threads mit Tips und dem Gejammer der Leidensgenossen :D
Einfach mal dort suchen, vielleicht findest was, das hilft.
Bezügl. Probleme mit den offiziellen Betaforen gibts hier im Technikforum schon etliche Threads mit Tips und dem Gejammer der Leidensgenossen :D
Einfach mal dort suchen, vielleicht findest was, das hilft.
zum patch nochmal: der kommt erst 18 uhr oder so also praktisch jetzt fast
ich bin irgendwann um 19:00 rein und kein patch...Zitat von Tau
Dieser Beitrag wurde euch von Wizz, dem überheblichen, arroganten, selbstüberschätzenden, selbstgefälligen und besserwisserischen Ar$chloch, gebracht.
Dito. Bin gerade eben wieder rein und bisher immer noch kein Patch ... Zumindest bei mir nicht. -.-
vielleicht haben wir ja glück und bekommen den gleich mit dem 'superheromonsterfix' ^^
Um 3:30 Uhr soll gepatch werden, Grösse ca. 1 GB
massig neues zeugs, unter anderem das hier:
Hier zunächst in englisch...
Tactics: Enemy Mastery
Is your character a wood elf druid with a burning hatred for orcs that dates back to her ancestors' days fighting in Crushbone? Or a barbarian shaman whose forefathers perished battling against gnolls in Blackburrow? Or an ogre berserker with a deep-seated loathing of those scaly lizardmen contaminating the Feerrott? Then our Tactics system is just what you're looking for!
The EverQuest II Tactics Advancement Path lets you pick certain types of enemies for which your character feels a particular dislike. By learning about these opponents, you gain special abilities that allow you and your party to do extra damage against them in battle.
The type of ability you get will vary based on your character's archetype:
Priests gain the ability to weaken their opponent's attacks
Scouts learn how to make their enemy more vulnerable
Mages earn a powerful nuke that is hard for this type of creature to resist
Fighters gain a self buff that allows them to do increased damage against this creature type
These abilities grow with your character, so they will always provide an advantage against your chosen opponents. Having multiple group members with the same type of mastery skill will make your enemies tremble at your feet!
Here are the first three selections your character will receive:
Level 12 - gnolls, orcs
Level 16 - ghosts, skeletons, zombies
Level 24 - centaurs, giants, treants
Higher-level choices will feature increasingly more exotic (and more dangerous) types of enemies to pick from.
When you choose an enemy, you receive a tome that gives you background lore on that creature type and begins your quest to learn more about them. As you defeat these enemies, you find items that you can examine to gain knowledge of their tactics. Part of your quest will also involve besting a number of these creatures on the field of battle. You can track your progress toward mastery with a progress bar displayed in your quest helper window.
Choosing your own worst enemies is yet another way EverQuest II lets you individualize your character. Fans of role-playing will especially enjoy sharing tales of why their character despises goblins or centaurs. Other players will simply savor the tactical advantage these abilities give them in combat. With our Tactics system, the choice is yours to make!
Tomorrow's update will feature racial Traditions, which allow you to choose beneficial abilities unique to your race.
Bei mir kommt der Patch einfach nicht...!
@ Da_Chegga:
Der Patch ist nicht groß - sind nur ca. 2 min Ladezeit...
da bei diesem Patch keine großen Dateien wie z.B. Voice-Overs dabei sind.
ahhh :geist: