Moorgard hat heute in den offiziellen Foren foglendes gesagt:
Neko wrote:
I understand the concept for not allowing PvP collision (Ogre blocking the Bank hallway and going AFK).
However, is there a reason not to have Mob Collision?
There is collision. When PCs or NPCs walk toward each other and reach a point where they would collide, one gets bumped out of the way. They don't simply pass through each other as if they were ghosts.
However, collision isn't an absolute. Models have collisions spheres around them that define at what point they get moved out of the way of something else. You obviously don't want a badger to have the same collision sphere as a dragon. Additionally, there are limitations in place so that griefing and exploiting are avoided as much as possible.
What we don't use is every-point-on-your-body collision. Is it technically possibe? Sure. But that would put an immense load on the server, because it would have to be calculating that on thousands of entities all at once. The performance hit would be incredible.
As I've said before, there are weapon collisions that take place as part of the battle animations. That is, two people fighting with a sword will have clashes, parries, hits, etc. But we're not calculating every point on the sword to see if it collides with any other surface in the game world every single moment.
So if you take frames out of a combat sequence, for example, you're going to see imperfections. Body parts will seem to pass through other body parts on occasion, especially when opponents are right next to each other. When you're actually playing, you don't see those individual frames but instead see combat as a whole, which I personally think looks amazing.
EQII Community Guy
Für alle die der englischen Sprache nicht so mächtig sind, er sagt etwas vereinfacht, dass es zwar keine Kollision zwischen Spielern, sehr wohl Kollision zwischen Mobs und Spielern geben wird! Diese sei jedoch, aus Performancegründen, keinenfalls perfekt.
Also wenn ihr mich fragt, damit können wir alle zufrieden sein oder? die pro-Kollision und die contra Fraktion
ganz ehrlich, ich freu mich riesig auf EQ2 :D