Dieser Benchmark ist nicht von mir :D ,
den habe ich aus dem Internet.
Hier einmal ein Fazit eines GrafikkartenTesters:
After many hours of... well fun, I just can't help myself over it, this videocard is lethal! See it's simple... performance equals your money... performance in this case is really close towards the 6
800 Ultra, yet the 6800GT has several advantages over that more expensive product.
On the outside things look really well as there has been a bit of dental work done to make it look more eye-catching. First off, NVIDIA stripped off one Molex connector. Secondly, this is a single slot design card. It will save you a PCI slot. Thirdly, it's 100 USD bucks cheaper which makes it a very attractive buy in the high-end range. Fourth is cooling, the single slot solution is not only looking great, it's cooling is great and most of, noise wise, all you'll hear is a smooth civilized hum as you can expect from any decent graphics card.
Next to that, the GeForce 6800 offers a huge performance bump over the previous generations of graphics silicon. At the heart of the beast we find 222 Million transistors running at 350 MHz and yet the card manages to produce numbers that will force you to make noises like guuuaaahh. The combination of the new 61.34 drivers also really helped here. It's quite clear that NVIDIA still can tweak some more 'juice' out of the 6800 series and that makes sense, new silicon requires some fine tuning and eventually this product will get even faster as that is the track record for NVIDIA.
Where the GeForce FX series was a bit sober, this is raw and nice. This feels like it was designed from day one to be the "sports car" among graphics cards. Let me state it this way, if you plan to buy a GeForce FX 5950 Ultra at 350-380 USD in the next weeks instead of the GeForce 6800 GT then I will personally choke you to death (Editor: and I will beat you to death with a floppy cable). Wait a few weeks on availability and go for the 6800 GT, comprende amigo?
Und diesen Satz :
Die neuen 6800er sollen einen Riesensprung gemacht haben, und ich will mir nicht in 3 Monaten ne neue kaufen müssen.Let me state it this way, if you plan to buy a GeForce FX 5950 Ultra at 350-380 USD in the next weeks instead of the GeForce 6800 GT then I will personally choke you to death
Deshalb gebe ich jetzt lieber EUR 100 mehr aus, und bin mir dannsicher, dass alle neuen Spiele optimal damit laufen werden....