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Thema: Betarush

  1. Standard Betarush

    Laut einer offiziellen Meldung seitens SOE wollen sie darauf hinweisen, dass es gleich ist, ob die Anmeldung zur Beta heute oder morgen ist, sie wollen dadurch eine Erreichbarkeit des Server gewährleisten.

    Und nochmals betonen sie, die Anmeldung soll nur von dem Computer gemacht werden, auf dem später die Beta gespielt wird. Manuelle Änderungen werden sie diesbezüglch nicht vornehmen.

    Und hier nocheinmal der offizielle Beitrag:

    "The following is an official reaponse from Moorgard regarding the Beta apps:

    As you have noticed, our beta application page is getting hammered with traffic right now. As such, it is causing some pages not to display properly which means you might not reach the confirmation page to tell you that your application has been received.

    When your application is completed successfully, you will receive an email from us confirming your app. If you do not get such an email within 24 hours of your application, please fill out the application form again. Traffic should be much lighter at that point.

    ** PLEASE WAIT 24 HOURS TO APPLY AGAIN. ** Duplicate applications only cause more congestion in the database and make more work for us to delete them. There is no preference given to the time someone applies, so whether you submit your application today or tomorrow will make no difference to your chances of getting into beta.

    Also, be sure you aren't using a spam blocker that prevents you from reading mail with Sony or Station in the name.

    NOTE: You should apply for beta from whatever computer you will be testing on. Our registration process takes a snapshot of your system specs and records them. We will not manually update your application with specs from another machine, so it is important that you apply from the intended computer.

    What this means:

    You must apply from the machine that you will be playing on. Applying at work and then emailing me your home machine's specs or DXDIAG info will result in only your work machine's specs being added. **WE WILL NOT MANUALLY UPDATE INDIVIDUAL APPLICATIONS**.
    Make suuuure that your spam blocker/filter allows email from Sony.
    Confirmation emails may not be recieved immediately - wait 24 hours before applying again if you don't get it. There is no rush.
    Don't apply more than once! Duplicate applications will be deleted!
    Don't email EQ2Beta help unless you've waited 24 hours to see if you get the confirmation email and can't get through the 2nd time you try applying.

    Community Relations Representative
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    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

  2. #2


    Im Juni soll man sich für die lokakisierten Betas bewerben können ?

    Heißt das Server in Euroland ?

    Hoffe ich muß mich nicht nochmal bewerben

    Klärt mich mal auf

  3. Standard

    Richtig,wenn Du nicht bei der US beta dabei bist,hast Du noch eine chance für die lokalisierte.
    Musst Dich dafür aber neu bewerben.
    Wie das im details aussieht wird sich dann zeigen,kann sein das sich das auch alles verschiebt.


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