13.1.1 Will there be boats or ships?
Yes, both NPC controlled as well as player controlled and owned.
Player owned ships will need to be crafted by the appropriate crafting classes.
Various types of player owned ships will be available, including 'coast hugger' ships, as well as ocean going vessels.
Players will, just like with their residences, and with horses, be able to both store goods in their ships as well as enhance their ships by equipping them with items.
13.1.2 Will there be anything to do on boats?
Yes, encounters and other events can and will occur while onboard boats and ships. Sea monsters will be able to attack not only the characters on a ship, but do damage to the ship itself. So also is the case with pirates.
Likewise, a vast empty ocean, devoid of land, is unlikely and expect to see lots of islands or archipelagoes en route to your destination.