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Thema: new Eq/Eq2 lore

  1. Standard new Eq/Eq2 lore

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    Moorgard: First off, what is your official title these days?

    Lucan: I am Overlord Lucan D'Lere, ruler of the sovereign city-state of Freeport.

    Moorgard: Overlord, eh? That's quite a change from your previous title of "sir."

    Lucan: Well, a lot can change in 500 years.

    Moorgard: Indeed. How is it that you've managed to stick around so long?

    Lucan: I start off every morning with a huge bowl of bran. I think staying regular is the key to a long, happy life. That, and being absolute ruler of a thriving empire.

    Moorgard: You were in charge of the Freeport Militia for a long time, but your rivals in the Knights of Truth kind of held you in check and prevented you from taking over the city. What exactly happened to the Knights and the Priests of Marr?

    Lucan: The supposed conflict between me and the Knights of Truth has been grossly exaggerated. I had nothing but the utmost respect for them. As for their fate, I'm afraid it is a most tragic tale. A great evil arose in the cursed ruins of Befallen and the paladins and clerics went to put an end to it. There was a horrible accident and the entrance was sealed, trapping everyone inside.

    Moorgard: There were rumors going around that the whole Befallen thing was just a setup to get your adversaries out of the way.

    Lucan: A person in your position should know better than to listen to rumors. It can be very unhealthy.

    Moorgard: Um, okay. What about my friends in the Ashen Order? Did they fall victim to a tragic "accident" as well?

    Lucan: No. The Ashen Order monks were cowards who proved unable to rise to the challenge of building a new Freeport. They ran off to the desert or something. A stronger order has arisen to take their place.

    Moorgard: Now you're just being mean.

    Lucan: Well, history is written by the victor. And I have a reputation to uphold, right?

    Moorgard: I guess so. Speaking of history, it wasn't all that long ago that Freeport was about to be wiped out by the rise of a new Rallosian Army, yet you've welcomed the ogres into your city and employed them in your service. Aren't you a bit nervous about them?

    Lucan: First off, Freeport was never in any danger. The Rallosians fell before my superior strategic prowess. As for the ogres, no, I'm not concerned about them. They're a lot smarter than they used to be, and they know who's in charge now.

    Moorgard: What do you make of the absence of the gods?

    Lucan: Puh-leeze. The supposed "gods" you mention were nothing more than flashy hucksters that used slight-of-hand and misdirection to deceive mortals into worshipping them. It is a waste of time to hope that they will return, especially when there are modern-day heroes who are much more deserving of deification. Who better to kneel down and worship than the all-powerful monarch of the most prosperous empire in the world?

    Moorgard: I see your ego is undying as well. It's worth noting that your city isn't the only one still around. What do you think of your rivals in Qeynos?

    Lucan: Qeynos is a cesspool of idiocy run by a clueless and power-mad tyrant who wants to impose her will upon everyone. Antonia Bayle cloaks her ineptitude and dreams of glory behind a façade of benevolence. It really makes me sick how her propaganda machine has made me out to be the bad guy when she's the one treating her people like lapdogs.

    Moorgard: Jeez, that's pretty harsh. Most would paint you as the tyrant, not Ms. Bayle.

    Lucan: I'm a tyrant because I want my city to be strong? Because I think the world would be better off to have a single power rebuilding it instead of seeing our efforts diluted by Qeynosian bungling? Mark my words: Qeynos is doomed to fall, not because of anything I do, but because its entire political structure is rotten at the core. One day soon the citizens of Norrath will see that my way is the best for all of us. Strength in unity; unity in Lucan. Hey, I should have bumper stickers made up with that phrase on them.

    Moorgard: Yeah, we should hire you for our marketing department. But don't you think it's a bit egotistical to call the island Freeport stands on "D'Lere"?

    Lucan: Give me a break. Our entire continent used to be called Antonica, for pity's sake, and nobody ragged on the Bayle family for that one. In fact, they still refer to the land outside Qeynos by that name, despite the fact that it's a fraction of what it once was. Calling my island "D'Lere" is just my way of keeping up with the times.

    Moorgard: So now that the cataclysms have subsided and things seem relatively stable, what are your plans for the future?

    Lucan: I have begun sending expeditionary forces out into the wastelands to determine what has survived the devastation. We will claim what we find in the name of Freeport and will expand our strength outward. Refugees who can be of some use to us will be allowed to become citizens of my empire, while those who are gutless and weak will be sent to the squalor of Qeynos. The first step toward rebuilding Norrath is to accept me as your leader. That's a lesson you would be wise to learn as well, Moorgard.

    Moorgard: Thanks for the advice, and for taking the time to sit down and chat. You are now free to return to your regularly scheduled despotism.

    Lucan: Your sense of humor will serve you well in my torture chambers, I'm sure.
    Nette Geschichte irgendwie, den original Link gibts hier : http://eq2.crgaming.com/interviews/v...view.asp?Id=49

  2. Standard

    leider habe ich jetzt nicht die nötige zeit das ganze zu lesen aber die hälfte habe ich schon geschaft und es liest sich doch recht interessant zumal hier etwas über das geschehen über die 500 jahre berichtet wird.

    was cool wäre wenn du das zusammengefasst hättest und als news veröffentlicht, zugriff hast du ja, wenn du das passwort nicht mehr weiß, du weißt ja wo du es findest.
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    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

  3. #3


    closed, da..

    News mit Übersetzung ist raus, thx @ Faeren für den Hinweis, wir arbeiten an ein System um News einsenden zu können, so dass jeder News zu uns schicken kann.

    Hier gehts weiter:

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