I think this belongs more to Gilden than to our english Forum, so moved ;)
I think this belongs more to Gilden than to our english Forum, so moved ;)
I have been playing on Lanys in an american guild for almost 3 years, so i guess i know the problem with different time zones. I joined Riders when everyone was about lvl 50, so it wasnt that big of a deal anyways. Unfortunately in the high end game, it became very tricky...
In my best times i have been playing all night long to be able to join all the flagging raids, i.e. raids started at about 1am my time and ended around 6am. There arent many people who are able to spend so much time, i am very lucky, cause my job allows me to do so.
Never the less, im was planning to start over in EQ2 and to join an european guild. Its just not good to sleep all day and hug my computer all night long... Maybe your guild can offer something helpfull, i.e. starting raids early (around 9am PST - 6pm my time) or support in getting needed flags (if there will be in EQ2) etc. when theres no chance to fit part of the raiding times.
In general it has been my best time in EQLive being in an american guild, too bad my old guild isnt gonna move to EQ2...
"Wenn Du redest, dann muß Deine Rede besser sein, als es Dein Schweigen gewesen wäre."
Deutsche Version:
Ihr Buwwe jetzt hoschte ma zu!
Schreibt doch ein bischen mehr Deutsch, als Forenoppa kann ich net so recht folgen.
Inglisch Wörschen (1): :frank3:
Hey Gais
Plies reit mohr dschörmen! Ei äm the Grändpaa fom sis Fohrum. Eisch kahnt verständing diss.
English Version (2):
Hi boys
Please write more german, i am the Grandfather of this here. I can't understand it complete
German version
Hierbei handelt es sich um eine englische Gilde, die wohl auch nur in englisch spielen wird, von daher wird dieser Post, da er es sowieso schon von anfang an in englisch ist auch so verbleiben.
English version
This is an english guild, so they will only play in english and that this posts was written in english since the first words so it will remain in such a way.
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■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde
Na then störe me euch not again ;)