Hey guys!

From the FAQ:

Starting at the end of this (12/11) week, you should be able to order online from Gamestop. They should have an online pre-order box page up by the end of the week. Once its live, if you order it online from them you'll be e-mailed a key that grants access to the rest of the content.

Koch Media will be distributing the pre-order in several European countries. I've been promised a complete list on Wednesday (12/13). UK, FR, DE and Italy are their primary countries though so if you live in any of those, you'll probably be fine. Koch also distributes to New Zealand and Australia. I will know on Wednesday whether or not the pre-orders will make it there. For Canadians, you should be able to order online from Gamestop as soon as they have their page live.

(Snuck that last part in yesterday, easy to miss!)
