Mythic and The Black Library have just released a new novel, Forged By Chaos, an original novel based on the critically acclaimed MMORPG, Warhammer® Online: Age of Reckoning® (WAR). Forged By Chaos is the third novel in a series based on WAR and is
available now in all major bookstores and on the Games Workshop website.
BY CHAOS provides readers with a horrific look into the warped minds of
the soldiers of Destruction - the megalomania of the Dark Elves, the
destructive single-mindedness of the Greenskins, and the unholy
obsessions of Chaos", said Jeff Hickman, Studio Executive Producer for
Mythic Entertainment. "C.L. Werner provides a never-before-seen look at
a single side of the Realm vs. Realm conflict, and shows just how
fragile, and deadly, this alliance of dark powers can be."You can find Forged By Chaos at, directly from Games Workshop or from your favorite bookseller.
For the full press release click here and have a great weekend...WAAAGH!