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Thema: Betanewsletter für den August 2006

  1. Standard Betanewsletter für den August 2006

    Der Betanewsletter für den Monat August ist in aller Stille erschienen und an uns fast vorbei gegenagen. Doch cayne aus unserem Forum hat ihn dennoch gefunden. Der Newsletter spricht etwas allgemeines über die aktuelle Phase 3 der Beta aus, ruft die Community auf Screenshots aus der Beta einzuschicken und präsentiert die Klasse des Barden.

      As most are now aware, Beta 3 is officially underway. New testers are being pulled from the community, guild and Computer Games Magazine pools. If you have friends who are dying to get in, make sure they are watching their inboxes as large batches of new testers are being added every day. That said, it is a gradual and ongoing process.

      In Beta 3, players are able to explore the world like never before. Far off the coast of Thestra the mysterious continent of Qalia has been unveiled giving old and new adventurers a unique experience as they are among the first to explore these enchanted lands. The revamped diplomacy system was also unveiled recently, so make sure you hop in and check it out.

      We recognize that, as we continue to add guilds en masse, it is important for you to be able to utilize communication methods on which you have relied in the past. To that end, we’d like to officially condone the use of chat programs like Ventrilo or Teamspeak provided that the NDA is still respected (i.e. private channels that non-beta participants cannot access, etc.)

      As always, thank you for your continued support and enjoy the game!

    Auch wenn der Monat Augist nun ein wenig her ist, viel Spaß beim Lesen.

    Link: Hier gehts zum Beta Newsletter August
    Link: Kommentare im Forum

  2. Standard

    Kommentare in diesen Thread: http://forum.molgam.net/showthread.php?t=2147
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