
Free Character Transfers are underway and we realize it's been a while since the last round. We wanted to clear up any confusion and make it a bit easier for all of you guild leaders getting ready to move your guild to your new home.

All of the information below is found on the "Review Character Transfer" page in the Account Center, this is displayed prior to confirming the transfer of your character.

Guild Leaders - PLEASE READ!

You must follow the below instructions before transferring your character that is the Guild Leader. Otherwise your guild will be leaderless and no one can issue the command until the Auto Promote system kicks in 30+ days later.

Using /TransferGuild

All current guild members
including you will be removed from the guild and the guild will be
deleted. All claimed keeps, calendar events, and guild vault contents
will be deleted. Your guild Rank and guild Renown will be saved to this
character, and the next guild you create on your new server with this
character will be created with the saved guild rank and renown. All previous guild settings will be reset, and you will be able to choose a new guild name, guild tactics, and guild heraldry.

be sure to move any items or coin that you do not wish to be deleted
out of the guild vault and into your or another character's bags before
confirming the guild transfer in game.

Thank you and welcome to your new homes, have fun!
