<p align="justify">This week's screenshot is courtesy of Infinity, the level 50 Paladin who hails from the Xeth server. This image was captured while exploring Tar Janashir. </p> <p align="center">"Crystal Falls " <br /> <img src=" http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/images/en/PlayerSubmittedScreens/August/CrystalFalls_sm.JPG" width="408" height="230" /></p> <p align="justify">If you have an amazing screenshot, some original Vanguard inspired artwork, or a uniquely decorated house/Guild Hall, we'd love to feature it on VGPlayers! Send your submissions (along with your name, server, and a description) to <a href="mailto:SOEFanArt@soe.sony.com">SOEFanArt@soe .sony.com</a>! </p> </body>
