Wer hat es sich nicht gefragt? Wie würde Star Trek Online wohl aussehen, wenn Perpetual Entertainment das Projekt zu Ende gebracht hätte? Diese Frage und andere werden nun von den Kollegen auf startrek-games.com beantwortet. Denn hier wird nun Stück für Stück das Manuskript für das SciFi MMORPG für jeden zugänglich veröffentlicht. Das Script umfasst insgesamt 60 Seiten und wird jeden Mittwoch ein bischen mehr aufgedeckt werden.

    A special welcome to our newest Star Trek Online fans to Star Trek Games, a site that has been online for nearly 10 years covering the world of games and Star Trek. Do we have a treat in store for you today!

    Did you know that StarTrek-Games.com was the site that broke the news regarding the announcement of an MMO that was set in the Star Trek universe? Did you know that over the life of the game, its announcement, long pre-/production, and eventual cancellation, that StarTrek-Games.com has posted more news and information about the game then any other site on the net!?! Did you know that early on we were brought on as a consultant for the project?

    We´ll now that the project is ´dead´ and the company that was developing it has cosed its doors, we felt it was time to share a some of that inside knowledge we were privy to with the community.

    The picture above is a photograph that I took of the 60 page document that outlines many aspect of the games early design. Information sent only to StarTrek-Games.com for review and consultation.

    Starting today with this announcement and on each proceeding Wednesday we will publish a portion of the book for all to see. You´ll have the first inside look at the games design, storyline, character progression and more. Every Wednesday until the entire book is published. Prepare to be amazed (or maybe aghast) at what you learn. You´ll find out why Mad Doc Software, in creating Star Trek Legacy (a game I served as a developer on), actually butted heads with Perpetual regarding the MMO. Loads of never before revealed information awaits

Link: Hier gehts zur Ankündigung auf startrek-games.com