Originally Posted by Ulrich![]()
Not for nothing...But has anyone seen or heard anything Good about the game yet? I mean, I know I'm a glass is half empty guy, but has anything positive been said anywhere outside of someone who isn't affiliated?
Every single thing I see, read, talk to people about...is...bad.
Not a single good thing...So either these guys need to open the door a bit and let some real meat & potatoes info out, Video's, Something....getting negative round here...
Does anyone know a single thing? I mean we all seem to like it, try to defend it..well honestly, If were here posting, It's cause we aint played it!
So what do we know!?!?!
We know absolutely nothing solid about the following:
Maximum Group Size
Guild Features
Group LFG Tools
Naming – Last Names? First Middle Last?
Role Playing – Emotes – Can you sit in chairs?
Chat Bubbles? – You can’t even tell us if the game has an option for freak’n chat bubbles?!?!
Factions? Races? Will they get along?
Communication? Global Channels? Trade Channels? Are they limited to the area you are in?
Crafting – Is there resource gathering in the game? If so how?
Ships – Can we be “On” the ships? Or do we just steer it from a 3rd person view?
Player Cities
Mail System
Map(s) – World map? Way points? Radar mini map?
That is just a few! All this talk about spawn camping – F that, you mean like EQ2 where you stand around for hours killing place holders waiting for the named to “Pop”??
Yah, that’s immersive!
Where are the hands on previews from the people at Game Spot &
Game Spy and sites like that? Is there not one cause the game stinks?
I would like to see some solid updated info on the game!! Some of the simplest questions answered with a firm yes or no...Also would it kill ya all (People who make the game) to post it here 1st?
Check out the FAQ on www.vanguardsoh.com.
Check out the FAQ at www.silkyvenom.com
Check out the various dev posts (easy to do with various dev trackers out there, including the one at www.silkyvenom.com)
Check out http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/sh...ad.php?t=63036
Check out http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/sh...ad.php?t=43537
Check out http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/sh...ad.php?t=15714
Check out the myriad of interviews and articles on the main page at www.vanguardsoh.com
Check out our other site www.joinvanguard.com
Read the in progress full week of coverage by Games Radar who spent 2 days with us checking out the game: http://www.gamesradar.com/us/pc/game...88000000020809
Check out the recent PC Gamer, CGW, Massive Online Gamer, and CGM (including a cover) articles on the game, and definitely go at least back to the great coverage we got at E3 2006, which again was from people (journalists, regular people, etc.) who got to spend hours looking at the game (and even playing it).
That's a TON of info. Quite a bit of it from people who have seen the game (e.g. not just info put out by us).
Then if you have any questions, please let me knowHere are quick answers to your questions, although every item you brought up has been talked about before and you can probably find more information using the links I posted above:
There will be at least one PvP server at launch, hopefully more – it depends on how well the game ‘sells-in’, meaning how many units SOE is able to put in the channel (game stores, etc.) at first, which will determine how many servers are up at launch. Then, as the game grows, there will be more PvP servers.
PvP Servers are handled like EQ 1 – alternate ruleset servers. There will be other types of alternate ruleset servers post launch, like RP servers too.
PvP Rules – you’re right, not ready to talk about the ruleset for PvP server #1 yet – we will be by beta 4 or so once it’s in beta and we start getting some feedback and are comfortable talking about it. We take great effort into only talking about stuff we’re really sure about so as to not confuse people or look like we’re making false promises or overselling the game, etc.
Maximum Group Size
Guild Features
Very robust, similar to EQ 2’s, etc. Not fully implemented in beta yet, so not willing to reveal or commit to the details yet.
Group LFG Tools
Currently in beta they work like most MMOGs. We are evolving this into a full matchmaking system – we’ll see how far we get by launch. Basically I’m talking about a system where you could put in a bunch of information about yourself – your playstyle, your class, the times you’re usually on, your favorite type of music… lots of things about you related to the game or not related to the game. The degree of information you want to reveal is up to you. This will help people not just with pick up groups, but build community and make it much easier to find people whom you’ll end up grouping with regularly because you share so much in terms of personal and game-related preferences.
Naming – Last Names? First Middle Last?
Wrote an entire plan and asked for feedback and got tons of it. At this point, we’re not sure to what degree we’ll implement the plan as we experiment with it.
Role Playing – Emotes – Can you sit in chairs?
Plenty of emotes. Most likely you will not be able to sit in chairs by release.
Chat Bubbles? – You can’t even tell us if the game has an option for freak’n chat bubbles?!?!
(have answered this recently and in the past)
Planning on having them by launch, but can’t promise at this point (if not by launch, soon after). There will be a toggle to turn them on and off.
Factions? Races? Will they get along?
Factions are deeply related to our Diplomacy system and will work like they did in EQ 1 to some extent but we plan on going much further with it. Until we have fully tried it out in beta, however, we’ve not released a ton of details about it.
Communication? Global Channels? Trade Channels? Are they limited to the area you are in?
All sorts of channels either already exist or you can create them. Those that are global are limited in how many may participate so they don’t turn into global auction channels, messing up regional player driven economies.
Crafting – Is there resource gathering in the game? If so how?
Absolutely, and it’s integral to harvesting and crafting – in fact entire gameplay spheres of advancement are dedicated to harvesting and crafting. As to how you harvest, you interact with the harvestable and time goes by, and depending on your skills, you do or don’t harvest the material. More information I believe is revealed elsewhere, however, a lot is still being tested in beta so since it’s subject to change and tweaking we have held back on some details.
Ships – Can we be “On” the ships? Or do we just steer it from a 3rd person view?
You can own a ship, pilot it just about wherever you want. There are different types of ships – coast huggers which can’t go out into deep water, and then ocean going vessels with which you can. Right now you steer from a third person view because it’s almost impossible to do so in first person given the size of these ships, but I wouldn’t necessarily rule it out by launch if we can figure out a good way to do it. Additionally, you can store items on your ship and also enhance it by placing items on it, which affect how it performs as well as its appearance. Also, wind and other factors can determine how fast the ship goes relative to the wind’s direction and the direction you want your ship to go. Weather can also be affected (including wind direction) by spells and abilities.
Player Cities
You can own houses, customize them with any object in the game we assign an item to (e.g. you find a statue deep in a dungeon and grab it and then place it in your house to display and show off that you’ve been to that dangerous area). You can also buy or craft more mundane objects to decorate your house with. You can set who has access to your house, who can modify it, etc. They are not instanced and plots exist throughout the world where you can build your house if you can afford it. There will be an upkeep cost. You can abandon your house, freeing up that plot, and build another one somewhere else as you level up and want to have your house closer to more level appropriate content. The closest game to how player houses are set up and manipulated is/was SW:G.
Player Cities where there is interdependence depending on the type of house, RTS elements such that depending on crafting skills you can or cannot build certain types of houses which have functions for those who own the city as well as visitors, are planned but we are unsure as to the extent, if any, this aspect of Vanguard will make it in by launch. It most certainly will eventually make it into the game as it’s a high priority for where we want to take player owned houses.
Mail System
Yes, we will have a mail system. It will cost money and take real life time to send things with it, and there will be some restrictions. More information about the mail system will be revealed after it’s tested in beta.
Map(s) – World map? Way points? Radar mini map?
Yes, there is a world map. It is zoomable. It shows where you are and where you party is, plus some information in terms of locations.
Before launch you should be able to set way points, make notes, etc.
Only a small subset of locations will appear on the map, some of which will appear after you’ve been there. If you desire to know where everything is, spoiler sites will undoubtedly appear over time, although we encourage you not to use them as they, in our opinion, make exploration less fun.
Only to a limited extent – they are there to make multiple commands convenient, but they are not implemented such that you can extract information about the game like in WoW to avoid people extracting information about the game and creating things like Thottbot for Vanguard.
Travel is very important to Vanguard and we are making extreme efforts to making travel meaningful and not boring. You should have a horse around level 10. You will be able to have a number of different mounts to travel around the world that, like ships, can hold items and also be equipped with special items to enhance, say, the horses speed or carrying capacity.
Just about any four legged NPC can be turned into a mount – hell hounts, unicorns, etc.
There will also be ships (see above) and then at the high level, flying mounts that allow you to fly far into the sky and travel very fast, although like with any vehicle, for gameplay reasons, you are restricted to some degree as to where you can use these vehicles (e.g. you can’t ride your horse into a dungeon, nor can you bypass content with your flying mount).