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Thema: CGM Invite verschoben

  1. Standard CGM Invite verschoben

    Schon länger warten die Käufter des CGM´s auf ihren Invite. Dieser wurde leider wieder verschoben...

      Some server issues and optimizations came up and are taking longer to address than we´d hoped (we´d hoped therefore that there wouldn´t be a delay).

      Unfortunately, there may be a delay and we might be looking at next week.

      I will get you an update as soon as I have one. Bringing in so many people into the game was to find these problems -- the bummer part is when they occur, we can´t bring any new people in (CGM or otherwise).

      Fixing these bugs is higher priority than *anything* else we are doing, but at the same time, uncovering them is one of the key reasons to bring up the population in beta.

      So I apologize for the delay and promise to keep you posted.

      "We have not sent out the mass invites since earlier this week when we discussed not sending them out (when the server stability problems began). I have been checking with our IT/Servers Manager on the server and so far he feels we should wait until next Monday to send out any more hoping that we will test the stability this weekend. We had some issues Wednesday night and yesterday with connectivity and the social servers.

      The Director of Production pulled 750 more CGM people so if we send out 1000 a day starting on Monday we should get through them all by Thursday."

      Again, I´m very sorry about this and what a crappy time for it to happen (well, the coders are happy because it helps them find bugs and areas to optimize the network code) when I had told you guys you´d be in by now. I really feel bad about this. Everyone has been kind on this thread and forgiving, for which I appreciate, yet I still feel I let you guys down. I did know at some point we would have to stop and optimize server code, and I´ve let you guys know that´s one of the goals behind beta 3, but the timing...

      Again, sorry it worked out this way. We´ll do everything we possibly can, as you can see above, to get all the CGM people in ASAP and also focus big time on all the other pools as well. Thank you all again so much for being patient and understanding.

    Na dann hoffen wir mal, das die Leute bald dazukommen... sie haben sich schliesslich das recht hierfür ERKAUFT...

    Link: Thread im offiziellem Forum
    Link: Diskussion in unserem Forum

  2. Standard

    Zitat Zitat von mailhunter Beitrag anzeigen
    Na dann hoffen wir mal, das die Leute bald dazukommen... sie haben sich schliesslich das recht hierfür ERKAUFT...
    Sie haben eine Computerzeitschrift mit einem Coupon gekauft. Recht kann man sich legal nicht erkaufen ;)
    Die sollen froh sein, dass sie schon zur Beta 3 rein dürfen. Laut damaliger Aussage von Brad war der CGM Coupon für die LETZTE Betaphase bestimmt.

    They made me do it.

  3. Standard

    hehe. wenn "persönlich" nach mir geht, können sie draussen bleiben


    das hat mir gestern nacht im IRC noch den letzten nerv gekostet:
    Geändert von mailhunter (12.09.2006 um 10:56 Uhr)
    GPU: GF7600GS /w 512MBDDR3
    HDD: WDC 3x500GB@SATA300
    RAM: MDT 2x1024MB@667
    CPU: Intel ConRoe@1850
    MoB: ASUS P5LD2ConRoe
    SND: CLSBLive5.1


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