In der Fortsetzung der Zoenbeschreibungen sind nun die Donnersteppen an der Reihe. Hier wird dem interessierten Leser veraten, was ihn dort alles erwarten und erleben kann.

    Thundering Steppes are the Eastern remains of the once grand (4 zones wide) Plains of Karana, The parts of the zone that survived from the plains days are parts of the eastern zone and parts of the southern zone the remnants of the north and western are either long gone or have yet to be found over the new mountain ranges.

    Unfortunately it has not rained here since Karana left Norrath to it´s own devices, this may or may not change with Rise of Kurnark, also many farms have not been rebuilt since the Rending nor the Shattering.

    Many of the remaining villages seem woefully undefended Such as Thundermist with it´s lack of walls Gate Keep with only a double northern wall and no southern protection from the undead surrounding the Ruins of Varsoon.

    Dead River Docks also seems precariously positioned at the end of an once great river and the draining point of any floodwaters should there be rain.

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