Originally Posted by Zrazzt![]()
I'm thinking that the bug that some people are experiencing with some "allies" not willing to sell to you when you are allied to their house may be due to the fact that the "faction" isn't unlocked.
I am unable to trade with "New Horizons" even though I am an ally of House Hilthorn.
When I do /showfactions, I notice that house New Horizons isn't "unlocked".
Anyone else having this problem verify this assumption?
New Horizons isn't allied with House Hilthorn, only House Vermach.
Also, Thistle and Shrike people really have nothing to do with each other. The house alliances are web-like, and not consistent three-groups. Although Vermach is allied with House Hilthorn and New Horizons, that does not mean that New Horizons and Hilthorn are allied. Part of the trick is figuring out which houses call each other friend.
Jakys, you are right for the most part. Prestige factions have a maximum of 1000 and a minimum of 1 (after discovery). Anything gained or lost over or under these numbers is useless. I recommend (if you're allied with the right houses) that you trade in for house coin when you max out so you aren't losing potential faction.