Originally Posted by lostpharoah
WOW Once again the staff of VG show a total lack of professionalism ... If i were your employer you would be suspended without a 2nd thought .. WOW im shocked ...

Silius as much as you may not want to beleave this , this IS still a customer service industry. I think perhaps you should start acting appropriately. You are running low on Karma. of which you can not afford to lose.

This topic is valid and alot of people (your customer base) are disgruntled with the rates .. you are basically candy coating a lump of crap to make it look good..

The players are not happy with the rates as they are (even tho you have a problem admitting your wrong, aka when the production manuals Actually went live ) ..
Mabey the rates are not broke to YOU but need to be modified to make people a little more happy .

Hmmm Alannah is not complaining about the rates she is asking if the tables are broken and I am telling her that they are not. I don't see how having an open dialog with the community is unprofessional. Not sure how I was wrong about the manuals and I am not sure what that has to do with this discussion, but I am sorry to say that the actual set percentages of the recipe drop rates are not going to be altered.
