Few quick answers to your collective concerns.

Due to a much more robust testing cycle, I've elected to delay pushing masks to Test for another Test patch. This shouldn't affect the anticipated time that masks hit Live (there are several Test patches within the space of time of a Live patch).

Masks are not a source of Presence.

Single-gem masks are sellable. Double and triple gem masks are soulbound.

Super-gems are, let me warn you, really, really rare.

In order to attempt to build a gem, you will need to buy "glyptic dust" from the Lapidarian and have it present in your inventory before he will attempt it.

1 or 5 facet attempts are your most economical method of getting a gem. 1 facet will produce a gem about twice as often as 10 facet attempts will produce a super gem. There is a miniscule chance of producing a super-gem at 5 facets. I would best use scientific notation to express that chance. :P

10 or 20 facet attempts move into hardcore diplomat territory. They will (almost) always produce a gem. They will very rarely produce a super gem. At 20 facets, we're still talking small chance, folks. Supergems are really, really rare.

Other outcomes are failure (you get cash loot), return of some or all of the facets you paid in, a gem, a gem plus some extra facets, and a super-gem.

