Originally Posted by Katrin Uzirtak![]()
Is there any current plan (or could the feature be added) to be able to change factions at a later time.. several of us picked factions based purely on the jewelry since there was no other purpose yet and as more and more things are added we may end up regretting our decisions... just as an example assuming both NT and Ahgram have similar rewards someone that is in a guild that allows them to make 2 different high effect short term buff items might not be as happy as someone who has 1 high effect short term and 1 longer term but less of a buff.
After the next quest line for the Ahgram factions is in, that possiblity will be looked at.
Switching will likely entail:
A) A significant faction hit with the organization you betray. This is not a meaningless punch in the face. This is necessary to avoid people switching factions just to use recipes from any faction on a whim. None of the organizations are going to tolerate a mercenary attitude.
B) Loss of all of the recipes that faction gave you.
There will be a warning in the patch notes when it goes in: switching should not be taken lightly.
Keep in mind these initial recipes are not the sum total. There will be more added as time goes on. They are more of a taste of things to come.![]()
So if you switch right away when the option arises, then a new recipe line comes out and you think "Wow, I'd rather have my old faction's recipes," you will have to spend some time earning their favor back.
-- Jansan