Well I put this request into the official forum and "game issue"... because I could not find an answer at one of the affiliates boards... in particular not in our European ones, because no one seems to has an answer at all... just rumors... hundreds of rumors...
We have at least a handful player waiting in line - for the "German" version, because they don't speak English at all.
The European launch was planned for end of March.
Some online stores like Amazon still sell their pre-orders for the international languages versions ~ 30th March.
Other stores... tell me "no release date" yet.
There are no "Server-Names" for the Euro-servers (the ones planned for the Euro-release). There is no advertising.
There is no official statement. All this info - or better the missing info is not typical for Sigil... so - the rumors are probably true... there ARE serious problems with the European versions and no one has the courage to tell us...?
There are even rumors, that the game versions in other languages than English are canceled... completely canceled.
We don't know if this just a rumor of a ranting LotrO-fanboi waiting for their release... or if there's an other reason... like starting the Euro version at a different time - no competition with Lotr-O for example, like VG vw. WoW extension?
We don't know... but we really need to know... when... and "how" we can get the international languages versions of our beloved Vanguard...?
Please help us.
Finin Cúthalion