So it's currently about 3 int/wis, 35ish SDF and +2% spell damage (percent!).

My options include:
1) Removing all of the points from SDF and filtering them into int/wis, making the item 10 INT/WIS
2) Removing all of the points from SDF and filtering some into INT and some into energy, energy regen or vitality (woult be 10 INT/77 energy, 12 INT, +1 energy regen or 10 INT/VIT).
3) Removing all of the points from SDF and filtering all of it into INT (19 INT).

SDF would be removed because it's not a focus item, which is why the SDF on it is costing so much. The item won't be recieving more +% spell damage, crit or accuracy.

Input is welcome.

Oh, and it was only +1% spell damage before, iirc.

Originally posted by strykr619;155119
Cylus maybe the code for it was left behind on accident because if this is what is intended then i guess casters shouldnt even waste their time with these whole quest line.... ( sorry for sounding so negative but todays patch left a bad taste in my mouth considering how broken it is atm )
