I'm not sure if I am at liberty to reveal sale numbers, but they are better than anyone anticipated so far. I will ask if this is something I can release.
I share people's concerns about LFG in the coming months as well as the game gets more 'polished' and optimized. I actually sat down last night and tried to devise a more intuitive LFG system in anticipation. I am curious what folks think would make a LFG system better. So far I was thinking about having an auto-grouping feature that assigns a leader and groups people according to archetype, level, quest similarities, and region. You obviously have to consent to this. Also, since our world is so damned huge, I thought about devising some way to 'summon' a group member if the group is missing a specific archetype that is needed but the player is far away. This treads on taboo territory, so the solution would need to be clever enough to avoid travel exploits. I was also considering some type of generated 'ice breaker' system that could send messages to potential group mates. The main problem that I see, is that there are generally people who want to group, but they do not take initiative to become the leader and ask; or fail to join the LFG channel at all. What else is possible?</div> <div> __________________
Nino McHammer
Fires of Heaven