More Exclusives for FoH
Look for a few more on soon.

These are taken at 1920x1200 in Medium Mode focusing more on gameplay than the perfect shot, though they show some new areas of both Qalia and Kojan that are petty cool. Plus, is that a little Pvp? And a flying mount?

Rip 'em apart, look at every detail... sure there are flaws, but I think the game, being in early beta 3, is coming across nicely. These shots show a lot of color too, IMHO. And they're really gameplay, really playing the beta, and not 'set up shots' (nothing that's there's wrong with that -- but I strongly feel you guys need some shots of the beta as it's seen from someone in it, and no NDA for me) We're getting 600-700 players at peak and averaging 400-500 at all times, and growing the game, as I've said, about 500 players every weekday. So far the game is holding up nicely, we're just starting to see some critical mass -- some signs of a player driven economy, a nice spread out of people all over Thestra and the parts of Qalia that are open. The servers are handling the load nicely, we're making tweaks, almost a patch every day (SOE is great at making it easy for us to patch, whether it's a large patch including art assets, or just updating the database, say, tweaking a noobie yard's population). So far so good. I'll keep this up as long as you guys are interested -- I know there are the hypercritical crowd here, but a. that's fine, because a LOT of eyes are getting a look at the game who might not otherwise, and b. the game needs to be able to stand up against criticism -- we may not always agree with it, but often we do, and it makes us strive to address those issues and keep improving. Honestly, we'd like nothing better than some of our harsher critics here to end up Vanguard players.

Deep in the Azebaj Behives. Athres, the ranger, is probably getting pissed that I, the warrior (Arakorr) haven't taunted the wasp away from him yet (he was pulling the mobs with his bow).

In the prayer room in Tanvu on Kojan. What role will religion play? More on that later(TM).

This is on Qalia? I thought it was all desert? Perhaps if you look hard enough and explore a bit....

Aradune, again not in his final garb, but at least looking a bit green and getting ready to use those fiery scimitars (Aradune is Qalian, btw... something not well known)...

Aradune vs. Perne?

More 'dueling' -- good thing it wasn't to the death (probably a good thing for me)

That just looks like a dwarf flying freely on a griffon -- but it must be an illusion

I liked this shot because of the angle and you can see how our close up and far away terrain textures really maintain their quality.

A dwarf and a dark elf in the background enjoying our match -- were it to the death, would they have intervened? Probably not on my side

One last shot of Perne and me -- I'm pulling off a move that looks cool, but I don't think the hardened light fighter is impressed.


Love 'em or hate 'em, but discuss away

Your pal, shameless plugging away Aradune
<div class="smallfont"> Last edited by Aradune Mithara : Today at 12:35 AM.
