Originally posted by Vega;80329
I'm sorry i do not believe what Tagad has said. I'm convinced they have slowed XP only to give them time to finish the parts of the game that don't exist yet before too many people get there and start complaining on forums.

Major changes to XP rate a week into a games life? Sorry but under no circumstances is that a good sign.

Hrm, I come here to engage in open and honest discussion and its insinuated that I'm lying? Thanks.

Either way, I stand by what I said earlier. If I discover I've said something in error, I'm going to come back and say I'm wrong.

I'd be interested in getting some very specific data out of you guys if you can show our data is wrong.

We are not in the business of lying to our customers at Sigil.

Some of the feedback, regarding 4 dot, 5, dot, and six dot NPCs I feel is pretty valid, I've had similar experiences in the game myself. We'll have to reevaluate some of that, though it may be dependant on gear and level range.

