Alright, so general disclaimer, I do not recommend doing the following even in the safety of your own home
So it was a weekend during summer break, the nights were long and the raiding was on!! Or well so I thought, here I am, a hardcore raider with no rading guild. Why do you sir, all mighty of mighty raiding have no mighty raiding guild? Well the answer my friends is that they decided to up and change servers on me while I moved into my new home!
Without delay I submitted the form to change servers...but omgarsh it may take up to 72 hours? Whatever shall I do??
Well my solution was...72 hours of AA idea!
I put on my jammies and grab a tall glass of water and proceed to the helm of my computer. I find a most hardcore of hardcore grind groups in the Plane of Earth, together interchanging members on rotations with me being the central binding point me and about 12 other individuals decimated the plane of earth with unbridled fury!
It wasnt until deep into the third day that I begain to realise the..side effects...of sleep deprevation. Now here is the deal, I play a bard in EQ, I love pulling, and if I may toot my own horn, I rock at it. So here I am pulling for near 72 hours strait when I go to get another refreshing glass of water...however this was not to be so, as lurking in the corner of my room was a stone grabber! His giant vortex of swirling rock and magical energy quietly stirring in his resting place. I turn back to my computer and tell the group "Guys I have to be really quiet, there is a stonegrabber in my room and I don't want to aggro it!"
It was about that time that one of my friends politely told me to go to bed and removed me from the group. I thanked him it turns out during this play session there had been a billing error and they were unable to verify my character move...suffice to say I fixed the error passed out and when I woke up my character was moved...within 5 minutes I was raiding Rallos Zek...Yippeee!
Long story short, I hate stone grabbers