Originally Posted by Hannar
Hey Brad, any idea if you guys will be offering a poster or print of the Vanguard box art in the Sigil store any time soon? I own some of Keith's work from the Vanguard days and have it framed/matted -- it looks great in my gaming room. Donato Giancola's cover art is equally remarkable -- would love to be able to find a copy of it as well.

Thanks for all of the work you guys are putting in on the project.

There will be PoP (point of purchase) materials hitting the stores soon, but I don't know if it will be available to buy at the retailers -- most likely not. That said, I'd like to make a lot of it available soon after launch on our store and perhaps elsewhere. We have some of it here already and it's really looking good. Between Denato's awesome artwork and SOE's excellent marketing you should see some cool stuff in the stores soon.
