Originally Posted by Mikis
According to an interview made with you on tentonhammer there will be about 3000-5000 players per server. There will be about 2500-3000 housing plots as well. Regarding this:

1. Can you only have one house? Or one home, one shop and one industry?
2. The point is that you should pack up and move your house when you explore new areas and quest in a different location. Will that not hurt people who run a shop and want their customers to find back to them if you only can have one house?

Thanks in advance!

1. At this point one house. When we later implement player run cities and different types of buildings (commercial, industrial, residential) that will likely change, as well as shared ownership of buildings and public buildings.

2. The assumption would be that the players high enough level to be using your house or later shop would also be moving to higher level areas, and possibly where you chose to re-locate. If not, yes you'd have to build a new clientel.
