Originally Posted by tones
Nice Review.

Overall the game is great and has amazing potential....we all can agree it would be nice if they could have another 2+ months to polish the game but unfortunatley for money reasons it is not possible.

The good news is the game at its current state is better than all of the current MMO's out there. The game has amazing potential.

Make sure you play past lvl 15 to get an idea of what the complete game is going to be like....the grouping is awesome....i have had level 20 groups that were as intense and as much fun as something from POI for example.

Great post. And I'd like to add that one advantage we have is that we have so much planned for Vanguard (unlike EQ 1 where we didn't have the foresight to plan in detail, both in terms of content and features, that we have now -- we literally have 4-5 years of content and features planned out for this game). So you're going to see a lot of patches right away, not just fixing things, but adding new content and features. We have lots of cool things planned post-launch like ship to ship battles where the ships have weapons and can be sunk, taking player housing to the next step and making player run cities and introducing RTS elements, etc. I could go on and on, and we will be -- we'll be putting up a web page soon detailing our plans for at least the next year after launch.
