We understand how Affiliated Fansites might be seen as a sort of favoritism, thats because it is in a way. The affiliated fansites have proven to share and support our ideas for the community and have dedicated countless hours to provide the community with useful information and constructive communities. It is a revolving door, however, if an affiliate is not putting forth the effort or meeting the guidelines we set they will lose affiliated status, and the opposite is true for aspiring fan sites, if they show that they meet the criteria and share our desires for the community then they will be granted affiliated status.

All of our affiliated sites are proven to be free of any connections to Secondary Market Sales (Gold/Item selling), if any fan site is found to have associations with the secondary market then they will instantly be removed from the program. In this day and age there are hundreds of fan sites and just using google makes it difficult to differentiate the good ones from the not so good, we plan on making the transition and search for a fansite that meets your wants and needs for a community as easy as possible.

I hope that makes sense
