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Thema: Interview mit

  1. #1
    Sain Guest

    Standard Das Salim Grant Interview

    Vanguard Spheres hat ein kleines Interview mit Salim "Silius" Grant geführt. Grant ist Senior Game Designer bei Sigil Online. In dem Interview spielt wieder das Craften eine wichtige Rolle.

      Mel: Crafting in the past has been sometimes termed "a click-fest". With Vanguard:SoH being a third generation MMO, how will Vanguard differ from MMOs in the past?

      Silius: Hard to get around the term "click fest" when that is the primary way you interact with the game world. Whether it be through key presses or mouse clicking, we are not beyond that point just yet.

      Our philosophy and goal on crafting, we hope, will be a refreshing change to people who tend to craft other MMOs like ours. Our focus is on the interaction of the spheres and how each sphere can advance independently, but working with other spheres is certainly a good idea.

      We wanted to make the process of crafting a little bit more involved, make you feel like your decisions were important and how you set up your character and gear made a difference in what you could and could not make and how well you did.

    Link: Zum Interview

    Link: Kommentare im Forum
    Geändert von Gryphus (28.12.2006 um 22:08 Uhr)

  2. Standard


    ich WILL es nur noch, ich WILL ES JETZT :D

  3. #3


    was mich am meisten interessiert ob die das packen rare craftet und rare raid items zu balancen zum einen in der qualität zum anderen in der quantität
    Server: Gelenia
    Klasse: Bard/Leatherworker
    Level: 41!/26!
    DiploSkill: 7!
    HarvestSkill: 500(510)!
    Rasse: Mordebi/Male
    Gilde: Aggronauten
    Playtime: 20d 00h 05m

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