Das erste Interview über Kelethin hat leider nur eine Frage und eine Antwort:

    What are the coolest areas in Kelethin?

    Owlchick: Kelethin is in the Greater Faydark zone itself. What I love best about it is just standing on any of the platforms and looking around. The views are lovely and the little blue wisps drifting about the town are absolutely enchanting. And, oddly enough for me since I'm very frightened of heights (I had a hard time working on Kingdom of Sky because looking over the edges of those islands in the sky was too scary), I love finding new places to jump from the platforms, both as a Fae and as a non-Fae. I used to die quite a bit doing this by accident in EQ Live, so perhaps now that I can do it on purpose, it's less unsettling. Wheee!


Das zweite Interview hat Ak´Anon als Thema und ein gewisser Peter wurde befragt:

    Tell us a bit of a background on the Clockworks?
    Peter: The clockworks are machines that were left in Ak'Anon when the gnomes left during the Shattering. In order to survive, the clockworks became self relient and rebuilt the city to become their own. The place eventually became their kingdom and they renamed it Klak'Anon. As they have evolved, they started to recognize their own superiority over everything else, even the gnomes. This is creating a problem for the gnomes now that they have returned to Steamfont and wants to reclaim what was once their beloved kingdom

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