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Thema: Moorgard verlässt das EQ2 SOE Team

  1. Standard Moorgard verlässt das EQ2 SOE Team

    Nachdem erst Blackguard das EQ2 Team bei SOE verlassen hat, so zieht nun auch Moorgard nach und geht seine eigenen Wege.

      Fall is my favorite time of year. The air cools and the leaves shift from a singular green into a tapestry of colors. Fall brings change, and we all need change every so often.

      This fall brings me a change of my own. At the end of this week I am leaving the EQ2 Team and departing sunny San Diego for other shores.

      Many people leave jobs because they are unhappy or dissatisfied. Thankfully that´s not the case here; in fact, I get to go out on a high note. EverQuest II has never been a better game, and the Echoes of Faydwer expansion is something that the whole team can be very proud of. I´ve been working on EoF since we first began planning it, and to see it come to fruition has been an amazing experience. With as little bias as possible, I think this is the team´s finest work and I´m honored to have been a part of it. But now my time on the project is done, and I can leave knowing that the game is in fantastic hands.

      I have mixed feelings about going. Though I´m excited at the possibilities the future may bring, I will miss my friends--my family--at SOE. People sometimes have an image of this company as a sterile corporate environment, but that couldn´t be further from the truth. In my years here I have met some of the most fantastic people I´ve ever known, and I will miss them a lot. I could write out a long list of names, but they know who they are.

      I´m going to miss working on EverQuest II as well. I´ve had the privilege of seeing this game evolve from its pre-beta state to a polished game that´s more fun than ever. Such a transformation can happen only when you have a team that´s not only talented but totally dedicated to what they´re doing.

      Working on an MMO is about love. You can get by on skill, talent, or luck sometimes, but to stick with a game for years on end you need to love what you do. I can honestly say that I love this game, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. And luckily for me, I don´t ever have to stop playing it.

      To all of you who´ve been a part of the EverQuest II experience, I thank you. This game has an amazing community and it was my honor to be there at the beginning. We might make the game, but it´s you guys who make it a world. It´s been great meeting so many of you at FanFaires and summits over the years, and I hope to see you again.

      My sincere thanks and best wishes go out to all members of the EQ2 Team, both past and present. You all have taught me so much, and I owe you a lot for being patient with me over the years. I know the current team will take good care of this wonderful game and take it in exciting new directions.

      If you´re interested, you can keep tabs on me at my website, www.moorgard.com. I´ll have access to my PMs and SOE email (moorgard@soe.sony.com) for the rest of the week, after which you can reach me through my site. Don´t worry, I´ll be around. You aren´t going to get rid of me so easily.

      Be seeing you.

    Link: Kommentare im Forum
    Link: Zur Ankündigung von Moorgard selbst

  2. Standard

    Kommentare bitte in diesen Thread: http://forum.everquestii.info/showthread.php?t=10163
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