Vernichtendes Urteil eines Beta3-Teilnehmers auf
Zitat von silverwhispe
[25.08.2006] I have played the beta for VG and I have to regrettably say that I am sadly disappointed in this sorry excuse for a "NEW" game.!! Sigil has promised many advancments in the MMO world with VG, and there are none to be seen, at least in the most current beta. To begin with, character creation is horrendous, unless you enjoy seeing one cookie cut out character mesh reused all across the board. All characters look the same. The only reason that I have given the game a 3 is due to the land, which is VERY nice looking. Game play is horrible, mapping is non-existant (one large map for the whole area), no real definition between safe areas and non safe areas and nothing special and exciting when it comes to mobs. This game lacks tremendous amounts on many different levels, and unless you have never in your life seen an MMO, this is surely a step in the wrong direction for a game! =( Now I can understand why Microsoft was able to let go of the game so willingly.
Soweit ich das einschätzen kann ;-), hat er nicht ganz Unrecht...