Test Update Bemerkungen für den 6.März 2006
<p>Auf dem Testserver sind am 6.3. neue Änderungen durchgeführt worden, hier der Log:<ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="85%"><tr><td width="100%"><div align="justify" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: ARIAL, VERDANA; color: #4F4F4F;">*** Desert of Flames *** <br>- Items from the Poet`s Palace that were previously labeled Fabled are now Legendary (though the items themselves have not changed).</p><br><p>*** Achievements *** <br> - Shaman: The Spirit Wolf pet`s attack speed has increased. <br>- Druid: The Shapeshift achievement should now stack with the Warden wolf form line of spells.</p><br><p>*** Combat *** <br> Assassin changes:<br> - Slaughter had its ranged fixed to 5m instead of 50m. <br> Berserker changes:<br> - Juggernaut`s penalties no longer increase as the art is upgraded. <br> Coercer changes:<br> - Reek of Terror now has no power cost, a 5 minute reuse timer instead of 15, is no longer a reactive spell, and casts a point blank AoE hate reduction and fear. <br> Conjuror changes:<br> - Stoneskin now has no power cost, a 5 minute reuse timer instead of 15, and fires a point blank AoE hate decrease. <br> Illusionist changes:<br> - Barrier of Intellect now has no power cost, a 5 minute reuse timer instead of 15, is no longer a reactive spell, and casts a point blank AoE hate reduction and mesmerize. <br> Necromancer changes:<br> - Deathly Pallor now has no power cost and a 5 minute reuse timer instead of 15. <br> - The Scout Pet will now use the proper combat arts more consistently and will correctly gain a new combat art at level 60. <br> Ranger changes:<br> - Leg Shot had its damage increased and no longer has a double chance to dispel when taking damage. <br> - Bleeding Cut`s DoT damage has increased. <br> - Steady Aim`s reuse timer has been reduced, and it now increases ranged critical hit chances. <br> - Trick Shot had its casting time reduced and damage increased. <br> - Rip had its damage increased. <br> - Miracle Shot had its damage increased. <br> - Lunge was changed from a DoT to a combination melee attack + very short duration root. <br> Warlock changes:<br> - Nullmail now toggles, has no power cost, a 5 minute reuse timer instead of 15, triggers when the caster drops below 30% health, applies a powerful resistance buff and dodge change, and no longer has a hate reduction or reactive lifetap. <br> Wizard changes: <br>- Mail of Frost now toggles, has no power cost, a 5 minute reuse timer instead of 15, triggers when the caster drops below 30% health, applies a more powerful ward than before, and no longer has a hate reduction or snare effect.</p><br><p>*** Tradeskills *** <br>- The following sets of crafted armor have had their stats adjusted to include resistances: Adamantine Vanguard, Xegonite Vanguard, Adamantine Devout, Xegonite Devout, Adamantine Plate, Xegonite Plate, Adamantine Melodic, Xegonite Melodic, Adamantine Chainmail, Xegonite Chainmail, Adamantine Brigandine, Xegonite Brigandine, Adamantine Reverent, Xegonite Reverent, Tailored Windcloth, Tailored Dragon`s Breath, Tailored Horned Leather, Tailored Dragonhide.</div></td></tr></table></ul></p><br><p>Der erste Teil des Logs ging schon am 2.3. auf den Testserver online und wurde schon <a href="http://everquestii.info/comment.php?ID=1141398592">hier</a> bei uns bekannt gegeben,</p><br><p><a href="http://eqiiforums.station.sony.com/eq2/board/message?board.id=tup&message.id=111">Quelle der News</a> <br> <a href="http://forum.everquestii.info/showthread.php?t=8617">Zu den Kommentaren</a></p>